Tips for minimizing your app to the Tray
It’s a nice feature for your software if your customer can minimize it as an icon to the system tray. From our “minimize to tray” program I learned a few things about. Here’s a rundown of the basic and not-so-basic tricks.
- You can add / modify / remove a tray icon with Shell_NotifyIcon. You can specify a callback message (for example WM_USER) to react to left/right clicks on the icon. To hide your program when minimized simply use ShowWindow.
- To minimize to the tray when your user click the minimize button, handle the WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN message and watch for the HitTest HTMINBUTTON (or HTCLOSE if you want to override the X-button).
- If you want to prevent Windows from hiding the icon, make a tiny chnge to the icon every now and then. (Do this only if you have good reason!)
- You can use DrawAnimatedRects for a minmize animation. Use FindWindow(“Shell_TrayWnd”, …) to find the location (= target reactangle for the animation)
- If the windows explorer crashes, the tray icons are gone and your user can’t get your application back. To detect this, use Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, … every now and then and check the return value. If the function fails, then your icon is gone and you have to add in again.
- Don’t forget to remove the tray icon if your program closes while being minimized.
Tags: Shell_NotifyIcon, Tray, Windows